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Bill Nelson Is A Fraud

Nelson has a tv ad explaining his flight into space and only seeing the world and not all the divisions, yet he votes against Gay Americans, taxpayers, who also gave live and limb so that Nelson could cowardly vote against us. Throw the bum out.


In the Tampa Bay Times, 10/7/18, backing the re-election of Sen. Bill Nelson, you cited his 'ethical service' and 'personal integrity', I take issue with.

On April 26,2018, Trump nominates and gets passed an openly Gay man, Rick Grenell, as Ambassador to Germany and its Holocaust past. All the Republicans supported Grenell, but 42 Democrats voted against him, including Sen. Bill Nelson, because they didn't want to give Trump a victory, nor change the narrative that Trump is anti-gay, when he isn't. They want our money and votes and then stab us in the back and why this Democrat will not vote for Nelson, who lacks ethics and integrity.

Having led the opposition to Anita Bryant and Jerry Falwell, through 5 elections (1976-1980) that made Dade County, the 'Holy Land of Gay Rights', the treacherous Democrats are playing very dangerous and evil games and can't be trusted.

Nelson failed U.S. by supporting the awful Iran Nuke deal and giving $150 Billions to this international terrorist state.

Nelson is silent about Obama/Hillary/Kerry 'politics', costing 1 million lives in Middle East and North Africa.

Nelson is silent about Obama/Hillary/Kerry wanting to divide Jerusalem, Jewish for 3000 yrs. and Israel, Jewish for 5000 yrs. and give it to the very Arabs aligned with Hitler to 'kill All Jews', while denying their role in the Holocaust and dancing in the streets after '9/11', and making cartoons on this tragedy in October, 2018.

Where is Nelson, when Obama/Hillary//Kerry illegally gave $2 Billion to Hamas and Fatah, both committed to Israel's destruction?

Where is Nelson, when the Democrats exploit the Holocaust, Auschwitz and Kristolnacht, for votes, which is so disgusting, to compare a child's center for refugees, which Obama also had, and these kids getting 3 meals a day and playing soccer and compare this to millions of Jews being exterminated at Auschwitz. Unbelievable!

For all the screaming about racism and sexism from the Democrats, apparently anti-semitism is okay with them. Farrakhan hates all Whites, Jews, Gays and Nelson is silent, like the rest of the Democrats. Shame on them and shame on Nelson who needs to be retired.

Where is Nelson, when Gillum for Gov. wants to 'impeach Trump', 'divide Jerusalem' and 'abolish ICE', while his running mate said 20 yrs. ago that Jews at Harvard Crimson 'Nailed Him To The Cross", while wanting to boycott Israel are backing this disastrous candacy.

And where was Nelson, when Obama took over $700 billions from Medicare for Obamacare? Now Nelson votes against Kavanaugh for the Supreme Ct., before the awful attempts by the Democrats to destroy him and his family.

The D.C. 'sewer' was exposed as to its dirtiest and sadistic politics and any lovers of America, need to throw the bums out this November and Nelson tops the list of these sell outs, willing too take down America to 'get Trump'.

Yours in Shalom,

Bob Kunst, Pres., Shalom International

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